Shop robberies [GABZ SHOPS] Awesome
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[ESX] Shop robberies [GABZ SHOPS] Awesome
- ox_lib – notifications, etc (notifications can be configured from function config file)
- ox_inventory – Exports from ox_inventory.
- ox_target – targeting from OX.
- Ultra-voltlab minigame – Download here! 18
Includes all shop types [Gabz] 24/7 markets/Liquiors/LTD-s
- Target client file is open and editable.
- Money can be changed between clean and dirty.
- Rewards from safes and registers can be changed
- Safehacker can be found from registers by luck, which can be increased or decreased from config file.
- Police gets two alerts but they do not overlap eatchothers (1. alert from store clerk when you start to steal from register and another when you finish hacking the safe, then safe security system sends alert to police that its been hacked. There are two alerts since some people might collect safehackers and might start farming safes. Which is of course limited by the cooldown timers.)
- Police alerts are configurable from alerts client file.
- Robbing progressbar times can be edited.
- Progressbar labels are editable.
- Cooldowns can be changed.
- Webhooks on the server side (Right now available only for open source)
Categories: ESX Scripts, FiveM Scripts Tebex