FREE Weapon Skin Menu

FREE Weapon Skin Menu


FREE Weapon Skin Menu

A complete weapon skin script!

Showcase :

The script is standalone and will automatically adapt regardless of the framework.

  • 8 different color tints for classic weapons. (synchronized with all players)
  • 32 tints for all mk2 weapons (synchronized with all players)
  • All GTA Online skins available for various weapons (synchronized with all players)
  • Ability to add your own images and share them with your players (client-side only, the Fivem native does not allow syncing)
  • Ability to add an animated image or any other image from the web (client-side only, the Fivem native does not allow syncing).

You have access to a comprehensive configuration file that will allow you to add patterns as needed,
change the translation, add weapons or GTA Online skins based on future updates with ease.